Hi There, We Are Skycraft Studios

A film and video production company based in Las Vegas, NV and Irvine, CA. We make content and create stories that move and inspire from all across the globe.

Under A Dead Sky

Under A Dead Sky

Under A Dead Sky Short Film

Skycraft Studios is L.A. Bound

After 2 years in beautiful Denver, Colorado, Skycraft Studios is returning to its roots and setting up our production operation back in the Los Angeles area in the next few months.

While our parent company Skycraft, LLC will remain in Denver, our film and video production studio will be based out of the Orange County area which will allow us to meet an increasingly larger client demand in the greater SoCal region.

With multiple films and commercial projects lined up for 2017, including our first full-length feature film, our production team is very excited to hit the ground running in our new location.


Photo by Almet Yalcinkaya

Although we will be based in Southern California, we will of course continue to be able to travel around the world to film various projects for both ourselves and for our clients, just as we have been able to do from Denver.

As our studio consistently grows, we will begin hiring for various positions in the near future adding a “Jobs” section to the website so keep an eye out for that.

We are incredibly excited to be heading back home.

 Header photo by Kyle Murfin


in the spotlight


🎥 The Last Dojo
🎥 Under A Dead Sky (May 2019)

Contact Us

Get in

If you wish to get a hold of us to talk about a project or would like information on joining our crew, please get in touch with us here and we will connect with you. We always look forward to making new friends.