Hi There, We Are Skycraft Studios

A film and video production company based in Las Vegas, NV and Irvine, CA. We make content and create stories that move and inspire from all across the globe.

Under A Dead Sky

Under A Dead Sky

Under A Dead Sky Short Film

Indie Access Project Opening Soon

We here at Skycraft Studios are incredibly thrilled to be officially launching our Indie Access Project.

This is an opportunity for anyone who is interested in all facets of film production to jump into a moving project from conceptualization all the way through to post production.

The goal here is to create an easy, seamless access point for people with talent or those who simply have a desire to learn.  Our team is anxious to work with and/or assist everyone who would like to be involved.  It’s not always easy to be a part of a Hollywood production, but Skycraft Studios wants to change that.  We believe that there is loads of talent and creativity out there that should be right now, at this moment being utilized to create something magical.

“What if I live far from Los Angeles?”  Unfortunately we aren’t able to fly everyone in from around the world to be a part of a project (although we really wish we could), but sometimes we film outside of L.A. and we might possibly be headed in your direction.  Just check on the project openings that will have the prospective shooting locations listed.

Have an idea for a short or other type of film?  Great!  We are eager to hear your stories and ideas.  That’s one of the benefits of working with us here at Skycraft.  No idea goes unheard.

Have a look at our Indie Access page on our site to see what opportunities might be available.  See you on set!

-Skycraft Studios Team


in the spotlight


🎥 The Last Dojo
🎥 Under A Dead Sky (May 2019)

Contact Us

Get in

If you wish to get a hold of us to talk about a project or would like information on joining our crew, please get in touch with us here and we will connect with you. We always look forward to making new friends.